
The Right Way To Secure a Door
If your exterior doors function well and look presentable, checking them isn’t likely to be at the top of your to-do list. But for improved security, take a few minutes to evaluate the doors in your home. Determine the doors composition. If it’s a hollow-core door, replace it. A hollow-core door is very easily broken …

Installing High Quality Locks In Your Home
Hi-quality locks and solid doors are the front lines of home security. Burglars like to get into the house the same way you do – by walking through the door. That’s the easiest way for them to get items out, too. Hi-quality doors and locks make unwanted entry difficult and time-consuming – two things no …

Securing Your Property
Security Essentials Take a close look about your property: Does it encourage or discourage a would-be intruder? Most of the top ways to enhance the security of your building are remarkably simple. Clever property maintenance, effective lighting, and a number of effective locks go a big way in decreasing your properties attraction to intruders. When …

More Door Security Information
Locks For Patio Doors Sliding patio doors are supplied with integral locks, and several different locking systems are used, ranging from a simple hook and bar to elaborate multi-point locking bolts. Old doors generally have a very low level of security, with the locks easy to force and the doors capable of being lifted off …

Door Security Information
All About Doors Around 40% of domestic burglaries involve entry through either the front or the back door. To make them more secure you need good locks properly fitted to a sound door and frame, plus some additional security devices to suit individual doors. Your front door is theoretically the most vulnerable because it is …
Burglar Prevention Tips
Tipping The Odds Against The Burglar The golden rule is to leave your house as secure as possible whenever you go out. This applies not only when you leave the property, however quickly you plan to return, but it is also important if you and the family are in the back garden for example. Close …
Are Traditional Metal Keys Outdated
As early as the Egyptians, we have been making use of keys to secure and lock our possessions. The traditional key has proven incredibly durable, but as digital security systems grow to be increasingly common, are the years of the simple key running out? It appeared this month that Nissan with keyless ignition starts is …
Feeling insecure in your own home?
If you are feeling insecure in your own home it’s a serious business. If you have been threatened or worry for your own safety you should notify the police as a precautionary measure. However, many people feel their home lacks adequate protection against burglars and intruders, and there are a vast range of preventative measures …

Who else has keys to your home?
One of the most unnerving things that can happen is to come home and feel someone else has been inside your home while you were out. But how did they get in? Did they have spare keys? If you’ve just moved into a new home the best advice we can give you is to get your …