Door Entry Systems

Door Entry Systems for Tenements and Communal Access

– Does your stair door entry system work?
– Is it strong enough to deter a forced entry?
– Or can it be simply slipped open?
– Does the door close every time?
– Does the door drag across the ground? Does it slam shut?

Not only can we fit new locks and keys at Capital Lock Services we can repair or install your common door entry system.
Maybe your handset doesn’t buzz or the speech is only operating in one direction, or maybe just a new button is needed for the external panel. If any of the above apply – we can help.

Entry System Replacement

Recently we have replaced this damaged old city-centre panel for a new vandal-resistant version.

Door Entry System

Is it strong enough to deter a forced entry? Or can it be simply slipped open?

Common stair doors are forced open in only one per cent of tenement housebreakings. Most common entrance doors are held shut by a Yale lock offering only a basic level of security.

At Capital Lock Services we can upgrade your stair door lock to a Cisa.cisa door entry system lock

Cisa Locks

A Cisa is a more secure lock as its much stronger, generally more robust and offers a deadlocking facility. Although we recommend it, its not always necessary to change the keys. The Cisa requires more force to close and so it is louder in operation as the door closes.

Does the door close every time?

After fitting the Cisa it may be necessary to adjust the existing door closer valves and if the door still doesn’t shut we may have to upgrade the door closer.

Does it drag across the ground? Does it slam shut?

Over the years many stair doors hung on the old style hingeing arrangements start to tip over owing to wear in the top pivot and socket. This wear can cause the door to drag across the ground stopping it closing or starts to close uncontrollably with a loud slam. can re-hang your door on new steel hinges, plane it and then re-hang it for the best fit.


Keep the common door secure at all times – ensure your door entry system is working
Do not allow strangers into the stair – only let in people you know
Check the identity of anyone claiming to be on official business

Call 0131-556 0470 to arrange a survey